News Busters

DOJ Ignores Attacks on Catholic Centers While Targeting Pro-Life Protesters

It seems Joe Biden’s Department of “Justice” is becoming more of an oxymoron by the day. 

Its latest double standard features a conservative Catholic organization begging them to investigate over four hundred known attacks waged by the abortion mafia on pregnancy centers and churches, LifeNews reports

In a letter shared with the Daily Signal, the organization CatholicVote asked Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke to meet with them to probe the overwhelming cases of abortion radicals violating the FACE Act, which prohibits instigators from threatening or using physical force to intimidate people out of expressing their right to religious freedom. 

However, the act also prohibits forceful attempts to interfere with so-called “reproductive health care services.” Therefore, Biden’s DOJ figures they can apply this act unevenly by…

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