On Friday, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta ordered that members of the Oath Keepers group whose sentences stemming from Jan. 6 were recently pardoned or commuted by President Donald Trump be barred from the U.S. Capitol and an adjacent area, unless given permission from the court.
Among those affected is the group’s founder Stewart Rhodes, whose sentence was commuted by President Trump, along with others who were pardoned; as my colleague Streiff noted, this was an adjustment from the policy promised on the campaign trail:
Releasing non-violent J6 prisoners was a campaign pledge.
Splitting the prisoners into two groups and releasing them both, but not making the releases equal, made a lot of sense. Everyone would be out of jail, but the “worst” offenders would not be pardoned.
Then earlier this week, Trump signed both J6 pardons and commutations, the latter of…