Red state

Don’t Be Fooled by What You Read – RedState

We’ve all heard the expression, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.” Seldom has this been more accurate than the present day. Someone on social media says something people want to hear, and a multitude immediately lose their minds retweeting the statement without once checking as to the accuracy of the statement, or if its originator has any credibility. End result? A whole lot of people look foolish.

If I’m going to intentionally look like a fool, it’ll be because I believe a Man was crucified in my place for my sins, then rose from the dead three days later. Not to score non-existent points with the crowd.

The new Cephas Hour episode focuses on passages from the Gospel according to Mark. Music is by:

2nd Chapter of Acts
• Bob Dylan
• DeGarmo & Key
Larry Norman
Mark Heard
Oden Fong
Rachel Wilhelm
Steve Taylor

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