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Don’t Believe the Left’s Anti-Trump Lies

If you are reading these words, you are paying unusually close attention to Election 2024.

Most Americans are too busy to follow campaigns in depth. Politicos often speak in shorthand and wrongly assume that everyone understands us. Phrases like “very fine people” and “bloodbath” echo across party offices and newsrooms. But they escape normal people.

To accommodate the regular 99% of America, former President Donald Trump and his allies should speak in greater detail when they debunk the Left’s enduring anti-Trump lies. Rather than simply dismiss Democrats’ unending untruths, they should precisely explain Trump’s statements and actions. This would help voters understand why the Left is wrong, and Trump is right.

  • “Very fine people”: Democrats accuse Trump of calling neo-Nazis “very fine people” after the August 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia,…

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