Everyone has heard the old saw “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Well, perhaps we should add judges with life tenure to the list of those we ought not to anger.
Just before exiting stage left Sunday for Africa to seek refuge from a hungry press, President Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter Biden for every federal offense that he committed or might have committed for over a decade: from Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 1, 2024.
The outcry was fast and furious, in part because Biden (and his aides) had repeatedly assured and reassured the public that he would not relieve his son of responsibility for his wrongdoing. (Here, here, here, etc.) In fact, the president said it so often that his reiterations were reminiscent of Cicero’s closing words in every speech he gave in the Roman Senate: “Delenda est Carthago,” or “Carthage must be destroyed.”
The judge in the…