News Busters

Don’t Run On ‘Fight Oligarchy!’

Bernie Sanders Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez MSNBC The Weekend 3-22-25 On Saturday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Weekend, the panel had few ideas on what theme Democrats should run on. 

But there was consensus on one thing: “Fighting Oligarchy,” the name of the national tour by Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, ain’t it. 

Co-host Michael Steele: “The ‘oligarchy tour,’ I think, kind of misses middle America. Folks sitting at the local pub aren’t using the term oligarchy.” 

Eugene Daniels [who will soon be taking over as a host of The Weekend]: “[Democrats] think that the word oligarchy is maybe one that they should skip.”

Tara Setmayer [member of the disgraced Lincoln Project]: “I agree with my friend Michael Steele about the term oligarchy. 99% of the American people don’t know what that means.” [99%? A rather condescending view of her fellow Americans!]

We get it. Message to Democrats: Deep six “the oligarchy.”

Note: The show played a clip from the Denver…

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