Despite having had a day to regroup and President Biden’s Oval Office address, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre still wouldn’t divulge (read: admit) Thursday why President Biden ended his campaign to seek reelection and, as such, even liberal White House reporters make her look foolish.
Fox’s Peter Doocy also did his thing, grilling her on leaked talking points from Vice President Kamala Harris’s team on the border and the latest acts of aggression by China and Russia.
Doocy first brought up the talking points and, at first, she hilariously denied it:
DOOCY TIME: “Democrats on Capitol Hill are being handed this card with talking points about the Vice President and the border. Do you know who’s handing this out?”
KJP: “I have no idea. You probably should ask her campaign.”
Doocy: “So, the first one says, ‘Vice President…