Daily wire

Dove Ad Stinks Up Super Bowl Commercials By Pretending To Support Girls In Sports

With tensions running high between trans activists and people living in reality, you almost have to respect Dove for choosing to air a commercial about promoting girls in sports and, to top it off, for the marketing team choosing a young swimmer as the example.

Their hypocrisy stinks so badly, Dove must have forgotten to use their own deodorant. 

It’s moments like this that highlight the importance of alternative body care brands like Jeremy’s. Conservatives who are sick of supporting companies who hate them can always opt for agenda-free hand soap, body wash, and yes, deodorant to get rid of that stench. 

Because let’s be clear: something is rotten in the state of Dove.

This same company that just spent $7 million for 30 seconds of airtime during Super Bowl LVIII to pretend they care about protecting women’s sports has already pledged their allegiance to the woke agenda on…

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