Hot Air

Dude, Mirror? Lizard Man Zuck Earnestly Lectures About ‘Legacy’ Media Censorship – HotAir

This morning, I watched one of the most unintentionally hilarious and absolutely maddening videos I think I’ve ever seen.

Mark Zuckerberg, lizard-like bazillionaire founder of Facebook and creator of Meta World, parked at a table earnestly addressing what’s wrong with censorship online.


It was as if the reviled reptilian replicant we’ve known and despised all these years had suddenly awoken from a deep slumber, like a slick Rip Van Winkle. Only instead of waking up under a tree in Tarrytown, Zuckerberg shed his skin to reveal something akin to a human – with a head of hair, no less – and rubbed his lizard blinkers in wonder at the new world around him.

He seems to have no memory of his role, actively engaging for years to prevent this new day from dawning. No residual inkling of how hard he worked to enable and enforce the very censorship and…

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