In just a few days pro-lifers will celebrate the one year anniversary of Roe v. Wade being overturned. Though the Dobbs decision merely pushed abortion decisions back to states, numerous pro-aborts, were and still are, livid.
We gathered some of the most nutso displays of the left “supporting” abortion throughout the last year or so – and “nutso” is a far too merciful way to talk about them.
We saw parents bring young children to pro-abort protests and rallies to explain the “need” for killing babies. We also witnessed countless lies about pro-lifers like one where a leftie Karen said, “pro-lifers don’t care about babies once they’re born.” Obviously, that’s far from the truth.
This past year many of our so-called “leaders” tried using the Bible to defend abortion. Nancy Pelosi called it “sinful” to place restrictions on abortion and Kamala Harris claimed that you could still hold true to your religious beliefs and support the murder of innocent babies. I guess she was insisting that you only had to listen to certain the parts of the Bible that agree with your political policies.
Pro-Aborts also adopted the leftist trend of acting completely indecent and disruptive in public places. Some entered church services and stripped down to their undergarments to show their support for abortion while others stood on the streets in white clothes with fake blood dripping from their crotches. Others pretended to jerk off their imaginary penis at pro-life groups while some held signs that said things like “Keep God out my p***y.”
Truly this year was chaotic. An eruption of leftist temper tantrums shook the nation.
It will be interesting to see what tears Saturday brings to the lefties who love killing kids.
That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!
In just a few days pro-lifers will celebrate the one year anniversary of Roe v. Wade being overturned. Though the Dobbs decision merely pushed abortion decisions back to states, numerous pro-aborts, were and still are, livid.
We gathered some of the most nutso displays of the left “supporting” abortion throughout the last year or so – and “nutso” is a far too merciful way to talk about them.
We saw parents bring young children to pro-abort protests and rallies to explain the “need” for killing babies. We also witnessed countless lies about pro-lifers like one where a leftie Karen said, “pro-lifers don’t care about babies once they’re born.” Obviously, that’s far from the truth.
This past year many of our so-called “leaders” tried using the Bible to defend abortion. Nancy Pelosi called it “sinful” to place restrictions on abortion and Kamala Harris claimed that you could still hold true to your religious beliefs and support the murder of innocent babies. I guess she was insisting that you only had to listen to certain the parts of the Bible that agree with your political policies.
Pro-Aborts also adopted the leftist trend of acting completely indecent and disruptive in public places. Some entered church services and stripped down to their undergarments to show their support for abortion while others stood on the streets in white clothes with fake blood dripping from their crotches. Others pretended to jerk off their imaginary penis at pro-life groups while some held signs that said things like “Keep God out my p***y.”
Truly this year was chaotic. An eruption of leftist temper tantrums shook the nation.
It will be interesting to see what tears Saturday brings to the lefties who love killing kids.
That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!