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Election 2024: Advantage, Trump | The Daily Wire

The 2024 election is coming.

And right now, it’s Advantage: Trump.

Trump is leading by 2.2% in the RealClearPolitics polling average. That doesn’t sound like a lot until you realize that Trump trailed Joe Biden in the same average on election day 2020 by 7.2% — and only lost by 4.5%. Or that Hillary Clinton was leading in the same average by 3.2% on election day 2016 — and only won the popular vote by 2.1%. In other words, Trump almost always outdraws his polling number.

What’s more, Biden is stuck. Yesterday, political scientist Ruy Teixeira, who is no Right-winger, wrote an article in the Washington Post, saying, “In his 2020 campaign for the nomination, the longtime former senator had a better sense than other Democratic candidates of the normalcy that voters were looking for after more than six months of a pandemic, accompanied by lockdowns and an economic crash. … But…

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