Red state

Elon Musk Expertly Trolls Green Day Over Their Lame Anti-Trump New Year’s Eve Message – RedState

As we reported, punk band Green Day performed on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” on ABC Sunday night and changed the lyrics of their 2004 song “American Idiot” to include the anti-Trump line, “I’m not part of the MAGA agenda.” 

The original lyric wasn’t much better — “I’m not a part of the redneck agenda” – but at least it wasn’t telling half the country to bugger off.

RedState’s Bonchie was not amused and pointed out that their “edginess” was in reality anything but:

What truly gets me about Armtrong’s lyric change, though, is how safe it is. Musicians that were writing anti-draft songs in the ’60s and ’70s actually faced the draft. The only thing Green Day faces is increasing irrelevance. Nothing is edgy about taking a shot at “MAGA” in 2023. On the contrary, it’s the most boilerplate thing a public figure can do.

Elon Musk seemingly agreed. The X…

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