Before anyone was “canceled” for saying a “wrong” thing, actress Emily Blunt and I feared speaking.
“It was terrifying … you’re just gripped with terror,” says Blunt in my new video.
I also used to wake up scared, fearing I might have to do a few seconds of live TV.
We feared speaking because we are both stutterers.
“Are you cured?” I ask Blunt.
“Are you?” she shoots back.
No, is the answer. Neither of us is cured. Stutterers rarely lose our fear of some words.
But we’ve found ways to cope.
Blunt avoids situations that trigger her stutter.
“I want to pitch a scene,” she says, “I can’t do it … I would rather say, ‘Give me the scene and I’ll write it and then I’ll send it to you.’”
On the phone, she fears trying to say her name. “If I’m calling someone and they go, ‘What’s your name?’ It’s…