News Busters

End ‘Moral Panic’ at Shoplifting, USA Built on ‘Stolen Land’

You can tell a newspaper’s liberal when it’s upset that Fox News is exploiting crime in overwhelmingly Democrat cities. On Friday, Washington Post “features reporter” Maura Judkis wrote a badly disguised opinion piece about organized retail theft under this provocative headline:

The zombie CVS, a late-capitalism horror story

How one Washington, D.C., drugstore got spun by the culture wars into a symbol for America’s shoplifting panic

CVS shut down another big-city store, and the Post doesn’t like that counter-narrative:

It has been like this since at least October, when the Legend of the Empty CVS of Washington began to spread beyond the District’s borders. It became a horror story of Late Capitalism. Tales were told on social media, and in the comments sections of local news stories, and they were full of spooky scenes (harsh fluorescent…

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