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EV Sales in Europe – Like Polar Bear Clubs in January

Ah. Mark in Germany, a regular in the comments here, and I were on the same page this morning when he xweeted me this story. I’d just read it myself and was kinda smiling, as you might imagine.

GREEN GREEN GREEN Germany. And France. And Ursula von der Leyen’s big climate cult plans.

How’s that working out for them?


Well, that sounds bad, doesn’t it? 

What’s the buzz. Tell me what’s a’ happenin’. 

Oh, dear. So much for a plan.

Germany has suffered a “spectacular” drop in electric car sales as the European Union faces growing calls to delay its net zero vehicle targets.

The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) said sales of new battery-powered electric vehicles (EV) in Germany plunged by nearly 70pc to 27,024 in August.

In France, the EU’s second largest market for battery electric vehicles behind Germany, deliveries fell by 33pc to 13,143.


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