Red state

Even Chris Cuomo Seems to Have Had It With People Claiming Kamala Harris Is a Great Candidate – RedState

I’m not sure if Chris Cuomo means what he says, seeing as how he spent quite a bit of his career displaying a keen case of TDS on CNN, but I can’t help but give him credit for his latest rant where here pointed out just how ridiculous Democrats are being in terms of trying to sell Kamala Harris as a viable candidate. 

Once it was announced that Harris had successfully staged a coup and pushed Joe Biden out, her approval rating shot up and ever since, the left has been singing her praises as the candidate above all candidates that have ever been and ever will be. I can imagine that from a Democrat’s perspective who has two brain cells to rub together that this is pretty embarrassing. Harris experienced a bout of popularity during the 2020 primary, but quickly became so unpopular thanks to Tulsi Gabbard that she was the first big name to drop out. 

She only became VP after leftist…

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