Red state

Even CNN Has to Admit Good News on Economy With Latest Inflation Numbers – RedState

Democrats have been trying to whip up anger against President Donald Trump over the economy. 

That’s a pretty hypocritical move — given that Trump was left with a huge mess in that department left by Joe Biden, and the Democrats were not speaking out against Biden when he was driving inflation up. It wasn’t a particularly successful narrative for anyone who has been alive for the past five years. 

I’ve also been writing about how things have been turning around under Trump. As we reported, eggs have now dropped about $1.85 a dozen in trading prices, as the Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins explained. That’s about a week and a half after she announced a five-point plan to deal with the high prices, so it looks like the market may be encouraged by the actions. That’s a big drop and that puts a big dent in that attack from the Democrats. 

Then, gas…

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