Hot Air

Everyone’s Favorite Ukrainian Sweater Boy Gets an AirForce Lift to D.C. ‘Cuz Trump – HotAir

Well, well, well.

What a difference the political party letter after your name makes.

Who knew such a thing, which was an outrage and treasonous not too long ago, could magically morph into perfectly acceptable, always been done, and “Whaddaya mean, ‘illegal’?” just by switching an (R) to a (D)? 

It’s really potent to do juju during a campaign in front of God, and everybody cloaked in the mantle of official business. 

Where once upon a time, a mere innocent phone call was fodder for the ardent patriots of the Bunsen Honeydew set, listening attentively in their Shelob’s lair for any hint of malfeasance that would help the resistance to strike the BAD ORANGE MAN DOWN.

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