Hot Air

Ex-Baltimore State’s Attorney Leniency Request Denied – HotAir

Fate is fickle, or so the saying goes. That may be true for almost nobody in American politics as much as former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. One day, not all that long ago, she was riding on top of the world. She had become famous (infamous?) for her handling of the Freddie Gray riots and her attempts to prosecute the police who arrested Gray rather than the criminals who started the riots. She was married to the upcoming President of the City Council and saw herself as next in line to be Mayor. Then things all began to fall apart. People began noticing that suspicious amounts of public funding had been mysteriously disappearing on her watch. Investigations were opened and before you knew it, she was facing charges in court which eventually took her down.

After being found guilty of embezzlement and fraud, she was eventually sentenced to house arrest and probation….

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