Paul Vaughn, one of six pro-lifers facing over a decade in prison over a peaceful protest, told The Daily Wire on Friday that he was ready to go toe-to-toe with the Biden administration after his conviction of two charges related to the FACE Act on Tuesday.
Vaughn said that the Justice Department was attempting to intimidate pro-lifers through legal force, but that their actions had only galvanized pro-lifers around the country. Vaughn and five others face 10.5 years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines after being convicted in federal court of violating the FACE Act and conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act.
“I’d say that I was marginally on the sidelines,” Vaughn told The Daily Wire of his involvement in pro-life activism before his trial. “We were doing a little bit of sidewalk counseling, we weren’t trying to do some national event, we…