News Busters

Exploring Fetal Development Education in Sex Ed Classes Across States

Even the title of AP’s piece showed how pro-abort the outlet is.

The Associated Press released a hit piece Thursday bashing the idea that some states are thinking about implementing fetal development videos in their schools’ sexual education classes. The piece titled, “Sex ed classes in some states may soon watch a fetal development video from an anti-abortion group” was chock full of bias and would rather kids be hidden from the truth of what happens during a pregnancy.

Presently bills are going through the Kentucky, Missouri and West Virginia legislatures that, if passed, would require or at least suggest for fetal development videos to be played during sex ed classes. 

Two years ago the pro-life group Live Action released a video called Baby Olivia. The video highlights the process that a baby experiences in utero to go from a single-celled human…

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