Red state

Extensive COVID-19 Origins Cover-Up Revealed, and the Biden Admin Was Pulling the Strings – RedState

It’s long been known, at least through basic intuition, that U.S. government officials went to great lengths to cover up the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci infamously spent years publicly deflecting blame from China. Emails would later emerge showing Wuhan Institute of Virology funder Peter Daszak had emailed Fauci to thank him for dismissing the lab leak theory.

If you aren’t familiar with the entire saga, which is long and winding, be sure to check out Scott Hounsell’s extensive reporting on the matter. The level of corruption will blow your mind.

SEE: Wuhan Lab Funder Peter Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanked Him for Dismissing the Lab Leak Theory

But while we’ve known about the direct involvement of Fauci and others, just how deep did the Biden administration’s obsession with protecting the Chinese go? A new report is…

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