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‘Face the Nation’ Tries to Run Cover for Mayorkas on Border, Speaker Johnson Is Having None of It – RedState

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) appeared on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday, and while host Margaret Brennan tried to sell the congressman on Biden administration propaganda, Johnson wasn’t buying. 

The interview took place last week at Eagle Pass, Texas, where the Speaker and 64 other GOP congressmen went to the southern border to see just how bad the conditions are down there. (Hint: really bad.)

Brennan asked Johnson why Republicans were trying to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and then laughably argued that they needed his help to solve the problem. Mayorkas has shown exactly zero interest during his tenure in securing the border, and his relationship with the truth has been tenuous at best. Asking him for help is like asking the arsonist to assist in putting out the fire.

Johnson fired back:

“We’ve been asking … Secretary Mayorkas since…

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