Hot Air

Failing On Re-Direct to Sell EVs – HotAir

Keir Starmer took over as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in July of this past year, and by this fall, he and his party were already cause for derisive hoots or just disgusted spitting noises made when their names were mentioned, so quickly and badly had the entire Labour crew bollixed their ascension to governance.

I’m not sure what British voters thought they were getting when the pasty-faced PM and his acolytes had been clear about their goals from the beginning, but that’s another post entirely.

What’s been happening could have been drawn out on a whiteboard by any rational soul who’d been watching Europe’s trajectory over the past few years. That of the British Isles has only been compounded by their isolation and, if the horror stories we routinely hear from Ebola are the norm of life there, a national pig-headed insistence on doing everything the…

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