Red state

Far-Left Blogger Reveals JD Vance’s Personal Information, Hacked by Iran – RedState

Partisan politics has always been a nasty business — just ask Charles Sumner — but sometimes someone sinks so low, indulges in an act so vile, so opposed to the interests of every American on left or right, as to be truly despicable. Far-left blogger and activist Ken Klippenstein is one of those despicable people, and he has proven it by releasing the Trump campaign’s vetting documents on vice-presidential candidate JD Vance, which documents include much of Mr. Vance’s personal information, including personal emails, phone numbers, and addresses. Those documents were hacked from the Trump campaign, we must note, by Iran. In this effort, Klippenstein has not only engaged in an act of unforgivable treachery that should be despised by Americans on left and right alike but has colluded with a fundamental enemy not only of the United States but of civilization.

This is what Ken…

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