News Busters

Far-Left Kook Mystal Floats Ending Voter Registration, Axing Key Immigration Law

Elie Mystal, the man dubbed Mad Scientist Fat Albert in 2019 by the great Varad Mehta, joined MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday by plug his new book Bad Law: Ten Popular Laws That Are Ruining America with one of them a comically predictable antidote to fixing our republic: axing all voter registration laws.

“[W]e could eliminate all voter registration laws. See, when Democrats get in charge, we try to protect voting rights. We don’t make voting easier. Now, I’m all for voter eligibility requirements. I might — we might disagree about what those requirements should be, but, you know, I’m going to say that like there should be an age limit to vote,” he explained to co-host Mika Brzezinski.



He then added we only have laws to begin with because….racism:

So, we’re going to agree that there should be voter eligibility requirements. But…

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