Elie Mystal, the man dubbed Mad Scientist Fat Albert in 2019 by the great Varad Mehta, joined MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday by plug his new book Bad Law: Ten Popular Laws That Are Ruining America with one of them a comically predictable antidote to fixing our republic: axing all voter registration laws.
“[W]e could eliminate all voter registration laws. See, when Democrats get in charge, we try to protect voting rights. We don’t make voting easier. Now, I’m all for voter eligibility requirements. I might — we might disagree about what those requirements should be, but, you know, I’m going to say that like there should be an age limit to vote,” he explained to co-host Mika Brzezinski.
He then added we only have laws to begin with because….racism:
So, we’re going to agree that there should be voter eligibility requirements. But…