Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. How can you tell if Anthony Fauci is lying? His lips are moving. (Insert rim-shot sound effect here.) As you may recall, the sainted Dr. Fauci was dragged into Congress again last month to provide testimony, this time about his use of private email accounts when conducting official government business. Past controversies were brought up at the time, including what came to be known as “Beaglegate,” involving his work at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. During his testimony, Fauci insisted that the claims that he conducted any type of official business using his Gmail account were simply unfounded and he had no clue where such rumors may have started. But newly released FOIA records show Fauci responding to a query from a journalist in 2021 saying that he would “reach out” to them through his private email address. Can…