Hot Air

Fauxny Females All the Rage at Ladies Prisons, Doing Just What You Expect But Are Assured They Don’t – HotAir

It’s odd how it seems to work out most times that we, the gentle lumbering class, the slow-tops and befuddled stumps wandering the fields of life, are always the first to be chastised for questioning a narrative, yet never get the pat on the head for being right from the beginning.

You know – when the thing we figured would happen and said so, which we were assured could never happen and HOW DARE WE…well…happensRepeatedly.

Take, for instance, men identifying as women who are criminals as well. These criminal men, who may or may not be violent, all insist they have a fundamental right to incarceration in a women’s facility because they enjoy being a girl, intact dangly bits or no.

They feel pretty, and that is rationale enough.

The average rational human immediately thinks, “That’s nuts.” Whether said male still has possession of his or not, the male of the species does not…

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