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FBI Finds 2,400 New Records on Kennedy Assassination – RedState

The plot thickens! The FBI, complying with a presidential order to release files associated with the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, has now uncovered another batch of 2,400 new records. The records are being transferred to the National Archives to be officially declassified.

The federal government in the early 1990s mandated that all documents related to the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination be housed in a single collection at the National Archives. And while the vast majority of the collection — over 5 million records — has been made public, researchers estimate that 3,000 files haven’t been released, either in whole or in part.

The FBI did not say in its statement what kind of information the newly discovered files contain. The FBI in 2020 opened a Central Records Complex and began a years-long effort to ship, electronically inventory…

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