Hot Air

Feds Find a New Way to Screw Over Veterans – HotAir

Back in the early 90s, we had the opposite problem that we’re facing today with our military recruiting efforts. We actually had too many people serving on active duty and we were overrunning the Pentagon’s budget. (This was back when people in Washington actually paid attention to such things.) As a result, the Army began offering some service members cash incentives to voluntarily leave early. In 1992, Vernon Reffitt was one of the people receiving such an offer. He accepted a one-time $30,000 check to pack up his duffle bag and go home. But he had been injured during his service and later began receiving monthly disability compensation payments that helped him get by. But now, the federal government has notified the 62-year-old veteran that he must repay the $30,000 he was given. When he was unable to do so, they began withholding his disability payments. How did anyone in…

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