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FEMA Money Is for the Disaster-Stricken, Not Those Here Illegally

Editor’s note: This commentary originally was published in September 2023.

Federal spending is hard enough to keep track of at the best of times, but the Biden-Harris administration is highly adept at hiding how it funds its open-borders agenda.

In a cynical budget negotiation tactic, the White House is trying to push through a $40 billion “supplemental” funding bill that holds bailout money for the Federal Emergency Management Agency hostage to sending billions more to Ukraine with insufficient accountability.

It gets worse. If the White House tactic works, and Congress coughs up enough aid to Ukraine that rescue money for FEMA can get through, hundreds of millions of that funding won’t go to disaster-afflicted Americans.

Instead it will go to providing housing, food, health care, and transportation for illegal immigrants through grants to activist…

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