Red state

Fetishizing ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Has Bred Anti-Americanism and Grievance Mongering Not Unity – RedState

Yesterday was Columbus Day, a holiday in honor of an important man who did something important. However, under Joe Biden’s misrule, it has been rebranded into a travesty called “Indigenous People’s Day.” No one is sure what the day is about. Most Americans ignore it while the left enters into a bacchanalia of America-bashing and virtue signaling.

I have a great deal of problems with this new commemorative day because I can’t really figure out what we are honoring with that celebration. The contributions made by the aboriginal peoples of North America to American or world culture are exceedingly small. A handful of words — canoe, moccasin, squaw, etc. — have passed into common usage. There are a modest number of burial mounds and some rock glyphs to record their passing. None of the American Indian tribes had developed metallurgy or the wheel. Mathematics and even a rudimentary…

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