Red state

Fetterman Continues to Surprise, Blasts Squatters and Violent Crime – RedState

“Stop Making Sense” is an album and a documentary by the band Talking Heads. It’s also a phrase that comes to mind every time Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman (D) opens his mouth these days.

It’s not that I want him to stop making sense, it’s just that I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that this is the same guy who on the campaign trail was barely coherent due to complications from a massive stroke and who came off as someone who would end up on the AOC wing of the party. As if to emphasize that impression, he returned in April, 2023 from a hospital stay for depression and showed up for duty at the Senate wearing workout clothes

But since then, he’s been a remarkable voice of reason on a variety of subjects, from his strong support for Israel to his calling out the corruption of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) to the border crisis.


Common Sense: John Fetterman Says Border…

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