On Dec. 20, 2022, Brokenhearted Films released the indie documentary “Dead Name” on Vimeo. It lasted there less than 60 days before Vimeo smote us, deplatforming the film after trans-activists raised hell because the film dared to question how a child’s transitioning can impact parents and the parent-child relationship.
Vimeo told us, and the world, it pulled the film because it contained “hate speech.” It even tried to withhold funds we’d earned from the sale of the film on its platform.
We had the film back up in four hours on an independent platform, and to date it’s been seen worldwide and in private screenings across the red state nation. The big news, however, is that “Dead Name” is now on Amazon Prime, thanks to the film’s distributor, Bay View Entertainment.
The reason it’s worth mentioning (besides giving it a shameless promotional nudge)…