Red state

First Missouri Republican Jumps Into CD 3 Race Following Luetkemeyer’s Retirement Announcement – RedState

On Thursday, Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) announced his intent to retire at the end of this, his eighth term in Congress. As RedState reported, the news came as a bit of a surprise and set off a mad scramble among Missouri Republicans to determine who would become his replacement. 

The Third District is perhaps the reddest of Missouri’s red districts, so the key contest will be in the primary, and to the victor goes the promise of a lengthy career in Washington. So, the January announcement with an August primary looming will result in a flurry of activity among possible contenders.

READ MORE: Huge Shake Up in Missouri As Blaine Luetkemeyer Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection in CD3

One Missouri state senator has already announced her bid for the seat. On Friday, Mary Elizabeth Coleman, who has represented Missouri Senate District 22 since January 2023 and was a state…

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