Daily signal

Former Health Officials Slam FDA Duplicity on ‘Puberty Blockers’

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Former officials in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration condemned what they described as the FDA’s duplicity in allowing off-label use of so-called puberty blockers while loudly condemning the use of far safer drugs to treat COVID-19.

“During the Trump administration, the media falsely accused us daily of ‘politicizing America’s public health agencies.’ Yet the same media is now silent on [Vice President Kamala] Harris and [President Joe] Biden’s FDA’s anti-science, purely political insanity,” Brian Harrison, former chief of staff at HHS and now a member of the Texas House of Representatives, told The Daily Signal in a written statement.

“We’ve now learned that the same FDA that banned mothers from importing safe formula for starving babies and kept safe COVID treatments from…

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