News Busters

‘Fresh Air’ Adores Leftist Media Outlets

Right now, the guardians of the “public” broadcasting empire are defending their tax subsidies by claiming it’s somehow extremely unique, and not just another liberal set of networks. In reality, PBS and NPR are echo chambers for legacy liberal media outlets. 

The Atlantic magazine, which adores Barack Obama and feverishly despises Donald Trump, took over the long-running PBS journalist-roundtable program Washington Week in 2023. Our study of their panelist list demonstrated something is definitely missing: journalists from any conservative media outlet, such as Fox News, The Washington Times, New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Free Beacon, or Daily Caller.

National “Public” Radio stations air podcasts from liberal media outlets. The Daily from The New York Times airs on 265 “public” radio stations, and the leftist site Vox has a podcast…

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