Frick, Frack, Gas Attacked in New York – HotAir
Hot Air

Frick, Frack, Gas Attacked in New York – HotAir

I’ve been writing about New York State’s danse macabre with ruinous energy policies darn near since I started here. The last post I did that I can find on the subject was in June of this year when the state’s Independent System Operator (NYISO) issued their annual Power Trends Report.

…One of the first things that should have jumped out at Green Gov Kathy Hochul and the climate cultists in the state legislature should have been the #mathz. That alone would have given a rational person pause, but who are we talking about, right? 

There’s only about 20M people counting on this daffy creature to keep the lights and heat on in their homes among her other gubernatorial duties, and she seems pretty overwhelmed as it is. No wonder little details like this slip through the cracks.

…New York has set a goal for 100 percent clean energy on its grid by 2040 to…

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