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Fundraising Total Suggest There’s Not a Lot of Enthusiasm for Progressive DA George Gascon – HotAir

The race between current LA District Attorney George Gascon and his possible replacement, Nathan Hochman, continues to look like it could be a blowout. An LA Times poll released last month showed Hochman ahead by a 2:1 margin.

If the Nov. 5 election were held today, 45% of likely voters in L.A. County would vote for Hochman, while just 20% would vote for Gascón, according to the new survey from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, co-sponsored by The Times…

…as of now, there is “broad-based support for Hochman across nearly every subgroup,” according to Mark DiCamillo, director of the poll, conducted between July 31 and Aug. 11.

Gascón’s image among voters is largely negative, with 21% offering a favorable opinion and 45% an unfavorable opinion. By contrast, 35% offered a favorable opinion of Hochman and just 7% held an unfavorable opinion.

Hochman ran for…

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