Red state

Funny Moments/Reactions to Biden’s Wild NATO Presser – RedState

Sometimes Joe Biden is such a mess, you just have to laugh, because otherwise you might cry that our nation is in the hands of this guy, his addled brain, and his clueless team. 

Biden certainly provided those moments at his NATO press conference on Thursday night. It was bad, but while it caused some more Democrats to move away from Biden, some now seemed to be trying to spin it and resign themselves to Biden. Which, from a political position, is probably good for the Trump team, since they think Biden is very beatable now.  

Biden started off with the gaffes even before the presser started, calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “Putin” shortly before. Then in the presser, he called his political opponent President Donald Trump his “Vice President” and he even misgendered him. 

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