Hot Air

Gandalf Bizarrely Slams Donald Trump’s Oratory Skills – HotAir

English actor Ian McKellen is out with a random and bizarre criticism of former President Donald Trump. Sir Ian described the leading American candidate for president as “an absolute bewilderment.”

In an interview with The Times of London McKellen said, ‘Trump is an absolute bewilderment. I haven’t seen him live. But he’s one of the worst public speakers there has ever been. Whether he’s reading a script or not, it’s so patent what he is.”

McKellen is 85 years old now and still working. He is known to Lord of the Rings fans for his role as Gandalf.  He is currently playing Falstaff on stage in the UK. He was commenting on the fact that great powers of oratory may be a thing of the past.

“I remember leaving my school [in Bolton] in the sixth form and cycling down to the town square to see [1950s Welsh Labour Party politician] Aneurin Bevan on the hustings without a…

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