Gay Capitol Porn, Trans Panic, and Trump Exhaustion
News Busters

Gay Capitol Porn, Trans Panic, and Trump Exhaustion

Bias by omission is often the media tactic to protect Democrats. The networks and major papers avoided all talk of a Democrat Senate aide getting fired over making a gay porn video in a Senate hearing room. It wasn’t mentioned on any of the Sunday morning interview shows, including CNN’s State of the Union. A search of found nothing. reported “Capitol Hill rocked,” but the story drew light mentions on air. The Washington Post, the paper with the “Democracy Dies in Darkness” motto, couldn’t apparently shed any light on this, despite Senator Cardin being from Maryland, in their newspaper’s back yard. 

I heard some outrageous moments on the Sunday shows. NBC’s Meet the Press included a “trans woman” in a focus group of Democrat women in Michigan. “Ashley” said “I’m not going to vote for a Republican. I’m trans. I feel like that’s…

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