Hot Air

Gee, Mainstream Media Sure Isn’t Demanding Answers from Kamala, Huh? – HotAir

The actual Axios headline deserves some credit, along with the article itself. “How Harris Dodges Scrutiny” certainly avoids the usual media trope of rinsing its sins through Republican reactions to them. We might have expected Republicans Pounce on Media Over Harris Coverage, or Trump Blames Media for Joy.

Instead, Axios’ Mike Allen and Alex Thompson fix blame on Harris, and on the media (not) covering her campaign:

With 60 days left in the race, and at the very moment she’s presenting a different ideology than four years ago, Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t getting subjected to the media scrutiny typical for a presidential nominee.

Why it matters: Harris is copying President Biden’s self-protection media strategy — duck tough interviews and limit improvisational moments.

That’s accurate as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough, not on Kamala or on the media. She’s not…

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