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Get A Life, I Have Lives To Save

I’m a survivor of a medical gender transition that began when I was only 12-years-old. I travel the country sharing my story in hopes of saving other children from the horrors of the “gender-affirming care” I received. I advocate before state and federal governments to pass laws that will prevent kids from accessing these mutilating surgeries and drugs.

According to a recent hit piece from the Los Angeles Times, this simply makes me a “right-wing icon.” The rhetoric used in their so-called journalism is not only wrong but flat out dangerous.

Let me be clear: I am not a pawn for a particular politician or party. I never wanted to be famous, especially not as a result of the most traumatic years of my life. I am sharing that trauma — which I’m still working through to this day — and partnering with those who want to pass laws that protect kids from being coerced into…

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