Red state

‘Get on Board or Shut the F*** Up’ Doesn’t Allay Voter Concerns About Biden’s Brain – RedState

As the Democrats’ “Biden Problem” continues to rage, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the party is engaged in an internecine battle about whether cognitively vacant, 81-year-old Joe Biden should be “forced” to bow out of the presidential race or supported as part of a high-risk “emperor’s new clothes” strategy.

On one hand, some prominent senators have been clear that Joe must go. On the other hand, mental giants like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have declared, as only AOC could declare it: “The matter is closed,” meaning Biden is staying in the race, come hell or high water, and Democrats better fall in line behind him. 

And through it all, pretend-Doctor Jill continues to rail against Democrats who call on her mentally impaired husband to abandon his reelection bid.

Publicly, Some Democrats Want Biden to ‘Show Us More.’
Privately, They’re Resigned to Their Fate.

So what’s an…

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