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Getting to Denmark

Sooner or later, The New York Times catches on to the news. In the case of immigration policy, the news it has caught up with is that mass immigration, legal and illegal, from less-developed countries is politically toxic.

That news was relayed in a Feb. 24 article and thread on X by reporter David Leonhardt, a writer of center-left sympathies and a keen analyst of statistics–and the human realities to which they are useful clues.

The Left has lost power in the U.S., Germany, Italy and Sweden,” Leonhardt writes. “Canada and Australia may be next. And the far right is growing across the West. But there is one European country where the Left has won re-election and marginalized the far right: Denmark. Why?”

His answer seems, once you think about it, glaringly obvious. “Danish progressives listened to working class voters on immigration–and reduced…

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