Hot Air

Godfather of AI Wins Nobel Prize – HotAir

Even in the midst of all of the hurricane activity taking place and the election drama unfolding, the show must go on. In this case, I’m talking about the Nobel Prize awards show. One of the most recently named awardees was Geoffrey Hinton, who we have written about here in the past. He is known as “the Godfather of AI” because of his early, leading roll in developing the Artificial Intelligence systems that led to the creation of ChatGPT and other advanced AI algorithms. It was a natural fit given all of the attention and controversy surrounding this new technology. But in a bit of scientific irony, the invention that led to this prestigious award is the same one that Hinton has been warning us may take over the world and displace humanity as the dominant life form on the planet. Does it really merit such an award if your creation may turn out to spell doom for mankind? (Wall…

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