News Busters

GOP Opposes ‘Access to Health Care For Everybody’

CBS’s Stephen Colbert welcomed House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries to the Thursday taping of The Late Show to promote his new children’s book and to help explain the difference between Republicans and Democrats. This being The Late DNC Show, Colbert would conclude that the answer is that Republicans don’t believe everyone should have health care.

After Colbert asked the question the first time, he noticed Jefferies gave a generic answer about how Democrats wanted to make people’s lives better, “Just to drill down just a little bit deeper on that, because almost everything in what you just said, while a very good thing to say, a Republican sitting in that seat might say the same thing, other than access to health care for everybody. That might be the one thing where they would—”



The unintended joke is that there hasn’t been “a Republican…

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