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GOP Presidential Long-Shot John Castro Arrested for Federal Tax Charges – RedState

John Anthony Castro, a private citizen and a long-shot GOP presidential hopeful from Texas, who made a name for himself by filing over 24 legal challenges to take former President Donald Trump off the ballot in those states, was arrested on Tuesday for federal tax charges, relating to a 33-count federal indictment for aiding the preparation of false tax returns. 

Castro was arrested on charges that he knowingly filed false tax documents to the IRS. According to prosecutors, Castro ran a virtual tax-preparing business that gave customers a tax refund far greater than what they would normally get, thereby defrauding the federal government. According to court documents in Castro’s case, prosecutors make damning allegations against him.

“Castro would promise a significantly higher refund than taxpayers could receive from other preparers and on many occasions, offered to split the…

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