Hot Air

Governor Abbott Flames Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy – HotAir

President Biden announced executive action that creates mass amnesty for illegal aliens who are married to American citizens. It also gives mass amnesty to the children of illegal aliens under age 21 whose parents are married to American citizens.

This is the ultimate political pander by Biden, who is seeking re-election. He is hemorrhaging support from Hispanic voters. Biden often credits Hispanic voters for playing a big role in his 2020 victory. 

The plan will affect 500,000 illegal aliens who have lived in the United States for at least 10 years and meet some legal requirements. The order also protects 50,000 young people under the age of 21. That’s a total of 550,000 in one order.  

Texas Governor Abbott released a statement that said Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty political pander will be struck down, just as former President Obama’s DAPA and DACA actions…

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